Four More Pies

Four More Pies

Friday, July 23, 2010

One in a Million

Here's a thought...

From when I was only a little cupcake, I remember people saying to me, "You know young man, you are one in a million." My eyes would get really big and I would say thank you to whosoever complimented me.

Now, as I reflect upon that phrase I am troubled. The world population is overflowing with a projected 6,865,942,377 by September 2010. If someone is one in a million that would mean that there are 6,866 people like me. (Sorry Beyonce' Knowles, your song no longer resonates with me. It turns out after all that I am replaceable.)

Thankfully, being one in a million on Second Life would be a compliment, because at least in SL, there are only 65,000 people at a time.

Though, I need not worry to be truthful with you. I have never been called one in a million on Second Life.

1 comment:

  1. Pie, you definitley are one in a million in SL. I don't think there is one other person that appreciates plaid the way and to the extent you do.
