Four More Pies

Four More Pies

Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween!

I just would like to wish everyone a Happy Halloween. Here's a factoid about Halloween, It is estimated that Americans will spend around Eight Billion Dollars this year for Halloween! That's US Dollars not Lindens!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Pie Francois Releases New Song!

Check out my new song, North of England, on the following link. You will be able to download it for free!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

BREAKING NEWS: Pie Francois Is Last Man Rescued from Mine

--Reuters San Jose, Chile
---B R E A K I N G - N E W S ---

On Wednesday October 13, 2010, Mr. Pie Francois was the last miner rescued from the San Jose mine in Chile. No photo was available because all of the cameras stopped functioning when Mr. Francois's shiny plaid mining suit was photographed.
Photographer Luis Miguel said, "It is unbelievable, but I must have tried seventeen times to take a picture of the last miner. My camera just didn't work right."
Reporter Margarita Gomez told plaidmania that Pie was in good spirits, he just wanted to take a shower and planned to be on secondlife in an hour or so.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Pie Francois Was in the House!

I noticed that there was no DJ on the ones and twos tonight, so I had to be the Pauly D at a Lisboa night club! Awesome place, they played some music that I haven't heard before. Don't worry though I'll be at my favorite welcome area in no time, offering all the ladies my lollipop!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Oh Oh! You're in the Dog House!

That is the Boyd Doghouse. A special congratulations to Boyd, Plaidmania's Citizen of the Day. Feel free to visit Boyd Doghouse's blog at
That blog is located on the world wide web, you do need Internet access though.