Four More Pies

Four More Pies

Saturday, July 31, 2010

What Should I Type Up Next

That is me, (a digital representation of me) at my laptop considering some new material for this site.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Orland Diesel

Congratulations to answering the trivia question tonight in the Hanja Welcome Area. But more congratulations to you, because tonight you have won the coveted Plaidmania's Citizen of the Day!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Solomon Accordian Festival

Join us all day tomorrow! There ain't no party like a Chakrabarti party, because a Chakrabarti party don't stop!
But Seriously, Solomon Chakrabarti has sold millions from his recording of Concierto Sol for Accordian.

Friday, July 23, 2010

One in a Million

Here's a thought...

From when I was only a little cupcake, I remember people saying to me, "You know young man, you are one in a million." My eyes would get really big and I would say thank you to whosoever complimented me.

Now, as I reflect upon that phrase I am troubled. The world population is overflowing with a projected 6,865,942,377 by September 2010. If someone is one in a million that would mean that there are 6,866 people like me. (Sorry Beyonce' Knowles, your song no longer resonates with me. It turns out after all that I am replaceable.)

Thankfully, being one in a million on Second Life would be a compliment, because at least in SL, there are only 65,000 people at a time.

Though, I need not worry to be truthful with you. I have never been called one in a million on Second Life.

Monday, July 19, 2010

A More Serious Note

Recent comments on this blog have made me take serious action to protect the integrity of both this blog and myself. It is shameful that I, Pie Francois, have to make the following statements. This blog of mine began as an outlet for me to improve my English and a means which made me able to give back to the Second Life Community as well as my friends in the metaverse. I have used this blog to inform followers and visitors of various events going on in Second Life. I have provided links to items on the Internet that I have found interesting. Recently, I introduced the Plaidmania Citizen of the Day, which has been successful in building up the character in the people who have won the coveted award. Therefore, I will no longer tolerate disparaging comments about other avatars made by useless trolls and douchebags.
(Of course since I am the creator of Plaidmania, I still reserve the right to make obscene statements about avatars as I see fit.)
I have contacted Linden Labs, the State of California, my local law enforcement, and the Federal Bureau of Investigations. I filed complaints with them and am cooperating with them by turning over all comments to the preceding respective departments. Now, the First Amendment of the Constitution grants us freedom of Expression, no matter how distasteful and disgusting. The comments are not the main issue that I am concerend with. What is most important is that stalking is a terrible crime that may be going on in Second Life to actually affect certain first lives.
So stalkers be forewarned. Plaidmania will never tolerate your bullshit.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Jasmine Hancroft

Congratulations to Lady Jasmine Hancroft, for she is Plaidmania's honourable Citizen of the Day. Remember, if you see Jasmine you should congratulate her for the reception of this coveted award.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Thank You For the Fannie Pack

I got a present the other day and I just want to say Thank You!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Or may I say Independence Day. What are my plans? Drinking in the shade and playing a couple games of Cornhole, perhaps Bocce!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy Independence Day

And other random thoughts for my friends.
I am more accustomed to say "Have a good 4th of July!" Also, to my Canadian friends I say Happy Canada Day. And to my European friends, just have a nice day and quit being grumpy.
I declare my least favorite English word is Austerity. Second Place goes to Door-Busters.
Recently, I discovered Chatroulette. I met many people who like to show off their genitalia. How interesting it is that they do not show their faces.
I have a habit in real life of asking women, "Edward or Jacob?" instead of the usual Hello, Good Afternoon.