Plaidmania's Citizen of the Day
I would not be typing this congratulatory blog post if it hadn't been for Sir Tim Berners-Lee. After all, it is thanks to him that we have the Internet which is 20 years old. Sir Tim Berners-Lee also is a proponent of network neutrality. He has been named one of Time Magazine's 100 Most Important People of the 20th Century. On June 13, 2007 (St. Anthony's Feast Day, it just amazes me how this all connects on this blog), he received the Order of Merit, becoming one of only 24 living members entitled to hold the honour, and to use the post-nominals 'O.M.' after their name.
Now all those awards were something, but as the readers of this blog can attest, they do not even come close to being awarded Citizen of the Day. Plus, to top it all off, I found this picture of Berners-Lee wearing what else? A plaid shirt. Not only is this distinguished gentlemen an innovator, he is a man of impeccable taste. If you see Sir Berners-Lee, tell him, "Hey, I heard you are Plaidmania's Citizen of the Day! Congratulations!" Also tell him how thankful you are for the invention of the Internet.